A New Way To Work: Business Life During and After COVID-19

June 24, 2020 Don Catalano Don Catalano

As a result of the coronavirus, the workplace will never be the same. Winning organizations will be those that shift their focus from employers to employees, integrate digital work, and enable collaboration. It is said that many organizations are still applying business practices from the industrial age. If that is true, this pandemic may eliminate the remnant of those practices as business owners are forced to adapt to new business changes. To succeed during and after COVID-19, companies need to start paying attention to the following tips:


Work-Life Balance 

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that activities outside work can impact work. More importantly, the 9 to 5 working hours may no longer be the norm. Companies that will thrive during and after the pandemic will be those who allow flexibility in how their employees work


Apparently, there has been a bigger call for companies to implement work from the home schedule if the nature of the business allows it. As everyone is in panic and more concerned about their health and what the future holds, it is becoming increasingly necessary that companies place greater emphasis on flexibility for people to accomplish their best work. The ability to mix work and pleasure aided by technology will give rise to new challenges, and companies have to find innovative and less-intrusive ways to ensure that business is progressive and employees are productive.


Enable A Truly Virtual Workforce

Companies that have thrived during this pandemic are those who have quickly figured out how to serve their customers and clients remotely. The new way of life for business owners requires that they figure out ways of enabling a truly virtual workforce in fulfilling business needs. Senior leaders may be required to adopt “Agile Working” principles, technology, and facilities themselves. Companies should invest heavily in training senior staffs in the business benefits of working remotely, and in managing and being part of virtual teams.


Focus On Outputs 

This is the best time for companies to focus more on employee output rather than hours they log in at work. In a post-COVID-19 world, employees will be evaluated by the quantity and quality of work that is accomplished, rather than the tasks and the time taken to get them done. 


For business owners, the focus should be developing a clear and concise vision, as well as objectives that employees can work on diligently. Companies must set goals that drive all employees towards quality work rather than discrete tasks. 


Work With A Tenant Rep

A tenant rep can explain terms and concepts that are unfamiliar to you so that you can make better sense of deals and communicate more effectively with the landlord. With their experience and expertise, iOptimize Realty® can help provide valuable insight into what your space requirements really are and what amenities are most likely to benefit your organization. Often, tenant reps uncover needs that business owners don't even know they have, ensuring that the properties that are ultimately leased are truly a perfect fit for companies.

COVID-19 & CRE guide


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