Landlords have representation, shouldn't corporate tenants? With that in mind, iOptimize Realty® was formed more than three decades ago.
Since then, we've negotiated thousands of deals, often saving our clients millions of dollars in just one transaction.
We have handled transactions across the country and around the globe. Learn how we can help you.
Don Catalano SIOR, CCIM, MCR
Marketing Manager
Project Manager
Content Manager
Client Success
Client Success
Client Success
Licensed Salesperson
Licensed Broker Salesperson
Licensed Salesperson & Pilot
Data Researcher
We are commercial real estate (CRE) specialists representing tenants, not landlords. By analyzing property metrics, our dedicated tenant reps regularly achieve rents 30% below market using our proven and proprietary systems. We also work with a global network of commercial real estate advisors to find the best deals.
Our core real estate portfolio management platform includes:
We will optimize your CRE portfolio!
In 2007, the iOptimize Realty® team foresaw the economic tsunami and subsequent rollback of market rents. We showed our clients how much over-market their CRE portfolios had become, and offered an easy way to optimize them. Today, we're doing this again in light of the COVID-19 crisis.
Our unique take on the CRE market accommodates client needs in secondary and tertiary markets that most other firms don’t want to work within. We understand these markets, and can facilitate easy site visits aboard our private company jet.
We exceed client expectations in everything we do.
iOptimize Realty® partners with global CRE organizations such as the Society of Industrial and Office Realtors (SIOR) and Certified Council Investment Members (CCIM) to gain access to 16,400 top advisors around the world, which helps us to better meet the needs of our clients.
We have thousands of contacts—but lighten your burden by remaining your sole point of contact.
We are committed to giving back to the community. Over the years we have supported numerous organizations and use our company jet to lend help to those in need. Here are just a few of the organizations we have had the pleasure of working with:
iOptimize Realty® uses our company jet to help those in need.
“It’s perhaps the best days of my life when I fly one of these missions and get to directly help someone in true need. Invariably the clients (patients, but I prefer to call them clients) inspire me.”
-Don Catalano
Will Dysfunctional Governments Undermine Your CRE?
Discover the impact of government policies on long-term commercial leases and how to navigate the risks in choosing the right location for sustainable growth....
Don Catalano
February 5, 2025
Will Congestion Pricing Be the Final Nail in Manhattan’s CRE Coffin?
Explore the potential impacts of Manhattan's congestion pricing on commercial real estate, from reduced traffic to economic challenges and shifting business locations....
Don Catalano
January 31, 2025
How To Identify Distressed Office Properties
Unlock strategies to capitalize on distressed commercial properties, secure cost-effective leases, and position your business for long-term success in today’s volatile real estate market....
Don Catalano
January 28, 2025